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Phone: +49(0)174 614 81 31


Conference Programme 2024

Preliminary version as of October 4th, 2024 | 19:00 CEST

DAY 1 | Oct 8th, 2024
Chairman: TBD
09:30Diana Schnabel
Exhibition & Conference Manager Airtec 2024
»Welcome from the Management Board«
09:35Dr. Wolfgang HĂĽbschle
City Council for Economic Affairs, City of Augsburg
09:45Dr. Anna Christmann MdB
Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy
(Video greetings)
René Reinhardt
Policy Officer / IVD2 - Office of the Aerospace Coordinator, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWK
09:55Bavarian State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann, MdL
Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery
(Video greetings)
10:00Keynote | Airbus Defence and Space (Manching)
Andreas Hammer, Head of Combat Air Systems

Keynote | Airbus Group
Dr.-Ing. Volker Baumbach, Manager aerospace engineering at Airbus Group
»Hydrogen in Commercial Aviation«
cancelled due to illness


Drees & Sommer
Meinolf Köster, Head of Aerospace at Drees & Sommer | Divisional Director
»Decarbonisation of aerospace: energy transition meets competitiveness«

10:40Roland Berger GmbH
Dr. Stephan Baur, Partner
»Advanced Air Mobility – the good, the bad, the ugly (and how to overcome it)«

11:00POLARIS Raumflugzeuge GmbH
Dr. Alexander Kopp, Geschäftsführer / CEO
»The Polaris Spaceplane Project«

Tobias MĂĽller, UAS Competence Center Leader
»Can drones help us soar towards a more sustainable future? Analyzing UAS and their role in ESG«

11:40Lunch Break11:40 Lunch Break
Future Air Mobility Perspectives

Chairman: Mike Hirschberg, Vertical Flight Society
Innovative approaches for the future of aerospace

Chairman: TBD
12:30Vertical Flight Society
Mike Hirschberg, Director of Strategy

12:10Roland Berger GmbH
Dr. Stephan Baur, Partner
»Current health and future readiness of Aerospace Supply Chain«

12:50Flying Pages
Willi Tacke, CEO

12:30Fraunhofer FKIE
Dr. Martin Ulmke
»Future Combat Air System FCAS: A research perspective«

Dr. Saskia Horsch, VP Global Regulatory & Public Affairs

12:50EFT Mobility
Tobias Kahnert, Founder and CEO at EFT Mobility
»Electrifying the Skies: Bridging Automotive Expertise to Sustainable Aviation«

Michael Illich, CEO

13:10Unisphere GmbH
Michael Anger (CEO)
»Navigating the Future - Leveraging Simulation Technologies to Optimize eVTOL Operations«

13:50Panel Discussion13:30Fraunhofer IPA
Dr. Roman Ungern-Sternberg, Head of Business Unit Operations at Fraunhofer IPA
»Beyond value stream mapping: Achieve End-to-End Transparency in complex multi-level product-production structures«

13:50Spherea Group
Nicolas Farvacq, CTO
»Electrification and Decarbonization in Aviation: Overcoming Challenges Through Advanced Testing Solutions«

Mareike Heesing
»Export Controls in the Aviation Industry«

Rotorcraft Advancements

Chairman: Mike Hirschberg, Vertical Flight Society
AI in Aerospace Production and Product Development

Chairman: Michael KĂĽhnel, SGL Carbon
14:10Technical University Munich
Prof. Ilkay Yavrucuk, Chair, Helicopter & VTOL Aircraft Institute

14:30AI Production Network Augsburg
Dr. Juliane Gottmann, Scientific Managing Director, AI production network at the University of Augsburg
»AI Production Network Augsburg and its importance for Aerospace production technology«

Airbus Helicopters
Rainer Heger, Research & Innovation

14:50MT Aerospace AG
Marwa Klink, Business Process and Improvement Manager
»Machine learning for production machines for the shot peening forming process«

14:50Leonardo Helicopters
Andrea Bianchi, Strategy & Innovation

15:10Mubea Aerostructures GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Kress, Head of Business Development and Sales
»AI-based Tool wear detection«

15:10ULTRA Energy
Wade Ewing, Business Development

15:30Fraunhofer IFF
Erik Trostmann, Manufacturing Metrology and Digital Assistance Systems, Group Leader Optical Metrology
»AI methods for completeness verification in assembly inspection of turbine and structural components«

15:50Panel Discussion
16:10Coffee Break15:50Coffee Break
Aerospace supply chain: Ecosystem, materials, and high-purity environments

Chairman: Dr.-Ing. Simon M. Kothe, Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE
Airborne AI and Cybersecurity in Aerospace Applications

Chairman: Michael KĂĽhnel, SGL Carbon
16:25Fraunhofer IPK
Henning Berg
»Ecosystem for an efficient and sustainable Aerospace Supply Chain«

16:05Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg (THA)
Prof. Dominik Merli, Head of Institute THA_innos
»Engineering Cyber-Secure Aerospace Components«

Dr. Amaya Igartua, Coordinator of Materials Initiatives, Co-secretary of the European Materials Platform (EUMAT), Vicepresident for Spain of the International Tribology Council
»Materials landscape and research opportunities for Aircraft and Space Materials (Working Title)«

Bavarian State Minister Dr. Fabian Mehring, MdL
Bavarian State Minister of Digital Affairs
17:05Fraunhofer IPA
Dr. Udo Gommel, Head of the »Intelligent Automation and Purity Technology« division
»Cleanroom technology: The invisible hero for successful space missions!«

16:40Airbus Helicopters
Dr. Matthias Niedermaier, Cyber-Security Project Management Officer
»A Glimpse into Industrial Security within the Aviation Industry«

Data Machine Intelligence Solutions GmbH
Max Najork (Co-Founder & CEO)
»Drones & AI - how system-of-system operations disrupt dual-use aerial operations«

17:20Airbus Protect GmbH
Thorsten Wollweber, Line Manager Product Security & GRC GE
»Threat-based Risk Assessment – Safety through Security«

17:40Fraunhofer AISEC
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hiller, Head of Department Hardware Security
»Trusted Electronics for Aerospace and Space«

18:00End of Conference Day18:00End of Conference Day
DAY 2 | Oct 9th, 2024
Ceramic Composites

powered by Composites United e.V. | Chairman: Prof. Dietmar Koch
Future Air Mobility Developments

Chairman: Willi Tacke, Flying Pages
10:00Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman10:00Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman
10:05Airbus Group
Christian Metzner, Materials & Process Scientist
»CMCs at Airbus (Working Title)«

10:05Airbus Urban Mobility
Dr. Andreas Thellmann, Head of Air Mobility Initiative
»Building up an Advanced Air Mobility ecosystem«

10:25BJS Ceramics
Dr. Werner Humbs, Geschäftsführer
»European SiC-Fibers and SiC/SiC CMC«

Rohit Wariyar, Head of Public Affairs

10:45Schunk Group
Dr. Hartmut Gross, Director New Business & Technology
»CMC Flying High - Schunk lightweight solutions for the next generation engines«

Dr. David Löbl, CEO

11:05SGL Carbon
Michael KĂĽhnel, Principal Data Scientist
»Closing the digital chain for CMCs – CT data and its usage in product and process engineering«
Evan O’Connor, Head of R&D
»Electrified Regional Air Mobility with VÆRIDION’s Microliner«

11:25short break for re-arrangements

11:25Panel Discussion
11:45Panel Discussion
12:05Lunch Break12:05Lunch Break
Composites in Aerospace

powered by Composites United e.V. | Chairman: Marc Fette
Future Air Mobility Critical Technologies

Chairman: Prof. Ilkay Yavrucuk, Technical University Munich
13:00Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman13:00Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman
13:05Airbus & DLR
Piet Wölcken & Prof. Dr. Michael Kupke
»The Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator: From Idea to Reality«

13:05Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI
Henri MeeĂź, Group Leader, Highly Automated Flying
»Recent advances in autonomous flight research at Fraunhofer IVI«

13:25Blackwave GmbH
Benedikt Borchert, HO Business Development
»No bullshit, just tanks - new business models for an evolving space industry«

13:25Fraunhofer-Institut fĂĽr Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB
Florian Hilpert, Power Electronic Systems
»Critical challenges in high voltage power distribution and conversion«

13:45Teijin Carbon Europe
Dr. Julian Lowe, Business Development Manager
»Sustainable Carbon Fibre based Composite Materials«

13:45RENK Test System
Hicham Benmar, Product & Business Development Manager
»Validating UAM Electrical Distribution and Control Systems by Ground Testing«

Tamara Blanco, Composites Materials & Processes Research & Technology
Airbus Expert in Composites
»Composite contribution to aviation challenges«

Alain Vallée, Senior Technical Programme Manager
»Standards as means of compliance for aviation regulations: defining the global roadmap for acceptance of AAM's innovative concepts. (working title)«

14:25short break for re-arrangements14:25short break for re-arrangements
14:30Panel Discussion14:30Panel Discussion
15:00Coffee Break15:00Coffee Break
Additive Manufacturing

powered by Mobility goes Additive e.V. | Chairman: Marc Fette
Unmanned Aerial Systems and Air Defence – a look ahead

Chairman: Roland Haag
15:15Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman15:15Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman
Silas Dortmann, Application Engineer for Advanced Manufacturing Solutions
»The Journey from Simple to Complex Parts with FDM: A Solution for Today and Tomorrow«

15:20BDSV Bundesverband der Deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie e.V.
Roland Haag, Head of Business and Legal Department
»Current challenges for the German security and defence industry«

15:40HSU/UniBW Hamburg & CTC
Florian Fuchs,
»Additive Manufacturing with High Performance Thermoplastics for hydrogen Systems«

15:40Spherea GmbH
Martin Kugelmann, Managing Director
»AI in defence: Questions and first answers on the example of electronic warfare«

Frantisek Hacik, Industry Manager Additive Manufacturing Aerospace
»Consistent AM production for critical components«

16:00Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Luftfahrzeuge und Luftfahrtgerät der Bundeswehr (WTD 61)
Karsten Benkel, Chief of UAS Overall Systems Branch & Head of National Competence Center UAS
»Specific aspects of war-capable UAS«

16:20OHB System AG
Dr. Marco Mulser, Head of Technology Coordination
»Additive Manufacturing for spacecraft components«

16:20Donaustahl GmbH
Stefan Thumann, Founder, Managing Director & Chief Designer

16:40short break for re-arrangements16:40AVILUS GmbH
Maximilian Wechner
»BVLOS with 700kg UAVs? Proportionality in System Safety!«

16:45Panel Discussion
17:00Fraunhofer IFF
Dr. Olaf Poenicke, Industrial Metrology and Digital Assistance Systems
»Adaptive drone flight control for artifact-free sensor data acquisition in drone-based ordnance detection«

17:20Panel Discussion
17:15End of Conference Day18:00End of Conference Day
DAY 3 | Oct 10th, 2024
Future Air Mobility Propulsion

Chairman: Prof. Ilkay Yavrucuk, Technical University Munich
13:00Welcome and Introduction by the session's chairman
13:05Technische Hochschule Augsburg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Baeten & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Neven Majic

13:25SGL Carbon
Sebastian Grasser, Director Sales Fuel Cell Components
»SGL fuel cell materials – from development to large volume serial supply«

13:45Piasecki Aircraft
Stefan Andres, Chief of Product

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Kallo, CEO

14:25Panel Discussion